About me

I am an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University (LU). Member of the The Hague Centre for Digital Governance (LU). Research Fellow at the Lab Research Group Innovation, Technology and Public Management, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).

I hold a PhD in Law, Government and Public Policy from UAM, with a dissertation that studies how social media affordances impact the administrative transparency of Spanish city councils. I hold a BA in Political Science and Public Administration from UAM, and a MA in Democracy and Government (itinerary in Public Management and Public Policies) from UAM too.

As an Assistant Professor at Leiden University, I teach the courses "Digital Government-Citizen Interactions" (MSc ICT in Business and the Public Sector), "Digital Leadership" (Honours, Leiden Leadership Program), "Public Policy" (pre-Master Public Administration), and «Qualitative Research Skills» (MSc Governance of Sustainability). During my time as a PhD student at UAM, I was one of the instructors for the course "Organizational Theory and Public Bureaucracy" (Degree in Political Science and Public Administration, Double Degree in Law and Political Science), as well as visiting lecturer for the course "Public Management" (Degree in Political Science and Public Administration, Double Degree in Law and Political Science). In addition, I served as an elected representative of PhD students at the Board of the Faculty of Law, UAM (from 2020 to 2021).

My research topics include the study of digital government, open government, algorithmic governance, public sector transparency and public communication. I have published in leading journals such as Government Information Quarterly, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Local Government Studies, First Monday, Information Polity, and Profesional de la Información. I have co-authored book chapters for several international publishers, such as Springer and Palgrave Macmillan.

I have been reviewer for the following journals: Government Information Quarterly; Information Polity; Digital Government: Research and Practice; International Review of Administrative Sciences; Public Management Review; Public Performance & Management Review; Public Policy and Administration; Government and Opposition; International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; Case Studies on Transport Policy; Journal of Public Affairs; Policy Design and Practice; Journal of Policy Studies; Revista de Estudios Políticos; Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas (GAPP); Eunomía, Revista de Gestión Pública; Política y Sociedad; Trilogía Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad; adComunica; y Revista Espacios Públicos.

I have participated in several conferences, including the Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o), the European Group of Public Administration Annual Conference (EGPA), the International Research Society for Public Management Conference (IRSPM), and the Spanish National Conference on Political Science and Public Administration (AECPA), among others. As a visiting lecturer, I have collaborated in the instruction of workshops and courses for the Spanish Institute of Public Administration, the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Càtedra GO), the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset, the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), or the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMEX). Moreover, I have been in charge of the thematic area “Innovation and digital transformation” for the 2024 Latinamerican Centre for Development Administration (CLAD) Conference.

Between September 1, 2019 and November 30, 2019, I did a short research stay at Utrecht University (School of Governance).

I am a member of the Spanish Political Science and Public Administration Association (AECPA), as well as member of the Digital Government Society (DGS), serving as a part of DGS communication committee from 2020 to 2024.

Between May 2014 and May 2019, I was part of the NovaGob team, the largest Spanish-speaking public innovation digital community/social media platform in Spain and Latin America, which was a spin-off of UAM until June 2019. I was coordinator of the NovaGob Excellence Awards between 2016 and 2018. Moreover, I participated in the organization of the second, third and fourth edition of the NovaGob Public Innovation Conference. Finally, I was a Researcher at the NovaGob Lab.

In my spare time, I enjoy tinkering with technology. I believe in open source software, and I collaborate with GNOME, a desktop environment for GNU/Linux. I love hiking as well as kayaking. I love horror movies (although I confess that I never sleep afterwards) and science fiction. I am also a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino movies. I really like to travel and visit new places. I enjoy good food, especially if it is accompanied by good conversation.
